Our Fleet

1 Snorkel
Manufacturer: LTC: Metalfab Fire Trucks (Centerville, New Brunswick)
Chassis: 2016 Spartan LTI Snorkel
Seating: 6 Total Seats, 3 SCBA, 2 Jump Seats
Engine / Transmission: 330 MaxxForce 9 Engine / Allison 3000EVS Automatic Transmission
Pump: Waterous 1250imp gal. 2001 FoamPro, Trident Air Primer
Tank: 440 imp gal
Hose: 600ft 5”. 200ft 1” 3/4 Crosslay. 250ft 2” ½ Crosslay. 100ft 1 ¾ Front Bumper Trash Line (+ 2 50ft Rolled).
Accessories: 8kW Hydraulic Generator
Aerial: 55ft Snorkel Elevated Platform with 750lbs capacity and 1000gpm pre-piped monitor
Scene Lighting: Full Truck Mounted 120v LED Scene Lighting. Platform 120v LED Scene Lighting, Streamlight Portable Scene Light
Emergency Warning Equipment: Chrome Plated Q2B, Code3 MicroCom2 Siren, Full Federal Signal Warning Lights (Custom designed / Manufactured Lightbar), Mars 888 Pedestal Mount
Additional Equipment: Basic Medical Bag, LifePak Defib, Accountability Board, MSA Altair 4XR Gas Detector, T3Max Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) Motorola Bluetooth Mic(TMR)
2 Engine
Manufacturer: Metalfab Fire Trucks (Centerville, New Brunswick) – 2014
Chassis: 2014 Spartan MetroStar Medium 4 Door Chassis w/ 20″ Raised Roof
Seating: 6 Seats, 5 SCBA Seats
Engine / Transmission: 450hp Cummins ISL9 Engine, Allison 3000EVS Automatic Transmission
Pump: 2250 USGPM (1874 IGPM) Hale QMax Pump. Dual 5” Discharges w/ Electronic Controls. Dual Electronic MIV’s (Both Equipped with Pre-Primers), Class 1 Total Pressure Governor, 2001 FoamPro
Tank: 2500 imp gal tank, 40gal Foam Cell 30fc
Hose: 1200ft 5”. 200ft 1” ¾ Crosslay x2. 250ft 2” ½ Crosslay
Water Equipment: Rear Dump Valve w/ Electronic Controls (Rear & In Cab) & porta tank cameras. 2500imp gal Port-A-Tank (Stored on Hydraulic Rack). 40ft of combined 6” Suction, TurboDraft, BearsPaw 6.1, TFT Floating Low-Level Strainer
Accessories: Hydraulic Ladder Rack. 8kW Hydraulic Generator
Scene Lighting: Full Truck Mounted 120v LED Scene Lighting, Sides & Rear Mounted 12v Scene Lighting
Emergency Warning Equipment: Full Federal Signal Warning Lights (Custom designed / manufactured Lightbar), Roto-Ray, 200W Federal Signal PA4000 Siren, Chrome Plated Q2B, Latitude SignalMaster Traffic Advisor
Additional Equipment: T3Max Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC), BlowHard PPV Fan (BH-20), MSA Altair 4X Gas Detector, Streamlight Vulcan and Survivor Flashlights, Zico Quic-Ladder

3 Engine
Manufacturer: Metalfab Fire Trucks (Centerville, New Brunswick) – 2012
Chassis: 2012 International DuraStar 4 Door Chassis
Seating: 5 Seats, 4 SCBA
Engine / Transmission: 330 MaxxForce 9 Engine, Allison 3000EVS Automatic Transmission
Pump: 1250 IGPM Hale QMax Pump. Dual Electronic MIV’s (Both Equipped with Pre-Primers), Class 1 Total Pressure Governor, 2001 FoamPro
Tank: 880 imp gal Tank
Hose: 800ft 5”. 200ft 1” ¾ Crosslay x2. 250ft 2” ½ Rear Pre-Connect.
Accessories: Hydraulic Ladder Rack, 10kW Hydraulic Generator
Rescue Equipment: Full arsenal of Hurst eDRAULIC® Jaws of Life (2 Sets of Spreaders, Cutters, and Ram), Rescue 42’s (x4), Auto Crib-It (AC-13 x2 and AC-17 x2) Misc. Extrication Small Tools Bag, Rhyno Windshield Cutter, Connectable Chain Tips for Spreaders, TL-9
Scene Lighting: Sides & Rear mounted 120v Scene Lighting. Sides & Rear Mounted 12v Scene Lighting, Roof Mounted Knight Series Command Light
Emergency Warning Equipment: Federal Signal Viewpoint Lightbar, 200W PA300 Siren, Chrome Plated Q2B, Latitude SignalMaster Traffic Advisor
Additional Equipment: Full MFR Supplies + LifePak Defib, Streamlight Vulcan and Survivor Flashlights, Streamlight Portable Scene Light Zico Quic-Ladder, Zico Vehicle Cooling Unit + Extension, Stocked Water + Gatorade Mini Fridge
4 Rescue
Make / Model: 2016 Ram 2500 Mega Cab
Seating: 6 Personelle
Emergency Lighting: Federal Signal Vision® SLR Lightbar, Whelen 8 Head Dominator, Whelen Straight Style Traffic Advisor, Rigid Sides / Rear Scene Lighting
Equipment: MFR Bag, AED, Traffic Control Supplies (Vests, Wands, Emergency Scene Signs x2), Stokes Basket, Pi-Lit Road Flares, Streamlight Vulcan, Warn Zeon 12 Platinum Series + Wireless Remote

Gator 8
This 4 passenger off road vehicle is equipped with a water tank and a portable pump in the summer months. This is easily removed when we need to transport hose or other equipment at woods fires. It is often requested at woods fires to help with the movement of personnel and equipment.
*New Apparatus Description in-progress*